How to Design a Custom Email Signature in Gmail
I decided this week it was time to step up my email signature game! I had figured out how to make them both fancy AND clickable which is super awesome. It took me ages to revamp my signature in Gmail, but this blog post was the boot I need to get 'er done. So thanks for being my real inspiration here. ;)

It's way easier to show you this process rather than write about it, so I put together a quick, 5-minute video to show you the exact steps to designing a custom email signature in Gmail!
Watch the tutorial below and let me know what you think!

Image to URL website:
Let me know in the comments below if this tutorial was helpful or if you have any questions!
Graphic DesignMariah AlthoffEmail Signature, Gmail Email Signature, Email, Custom Email Signature, Design an Email Signature, Design for Beginners, Design Tips, Graphic Design, DIY Graphic Design2 Comments